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Appeal of the Planning Commission’s Denial of T-MAP-07-2022 (Centennial & McCarran) for Applicant Forestar (USA) Real Estate Group Inc.’s Request for a Tentative Map in a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial District), Proposed Property Reclassification to a PUD/PID (Planned Unit Development/Planned Infill Development) to Allow a 30 Lot, Single-Family Subdivision; Location: Northwest Corner of Centennial Parkway and McCarran Street. (Ward 2 – Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action; Recommendation: Deny)
PDF Document  Appeal of the Planning Commission’s Denial of T-MA - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Appeal of the Planning Commission’s Denial of T-MA - Letter of Withdrawl T-Map-07-2022
PDF Document  Appeal of the Planning Commission’s Denial of T-MA - Appeal T-Map-07-2022.pdf
PDF Document  Appeal of the Planning Commission’s Denial of T-MA - T-MAP-07-2022 PC.pdf
PDF Document  Appeal of the Planning Commission’s Denial of T-MA - T-MAP-07-2022 Attach.pdf