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VAC-12-2022 (Donna Street Apartments) for Applicant: ACG Design to Vacate a 30 ft. Portion of Existing Right of Way (20061116-01513) on Donna Street and Rome Blvd. at the North Side of APN 124-23-301-015. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
PDF Document  VAC-12-2022 (Donna Street Apartments) for Applican - Agenda Item
PDF Document  VAC-12-2022 (Donna Street Apartments) for Applican - VAC-12-22 DONNA STREET APT - APPLICATION.pdf
PDF Document  VAC-12-2022 (Donna Street Apartments) for Applican - VAC-12-22 DONNA STREET APT - LTR OF INTENT.pdf
PDF Document  VAC-12-2022 (Donna Street Apartments) for Applican - VAC-12-22 DONNA STREET APT - LEGAL DESC & EXHIBIT.pdf
PDF Document  VAC-12-2022 (Donna Street Apartments) for Applican - VAC-12-22 DONNA STREET APT - SITE PLAN.pdf
PDF Document  VAC-12-2022 (Donna Street Apartments) for Applican - VAC-12-22 DONNA STREET APT - VICINITY MAP.jpg
PDF Document  VAC-12-2022 (Donna Street Apartments) for Applican - VAC NOTIFICATIONS_08-17-2022 - VAC 12-2022.xlsx