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AMP-01-2022 (Carey/Simmons Industrial) for Applicant: Columbia Industrial Acquisition Company, LLC to Request an Amendment to the Master Plan of Streets and Highways to Remove a Section of Cartier Avenue Beginning at Simmons Street and Extending East Approximately 795 Feet. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)
PDF Document  AMP-01-2022 (Carey/Simmons Industrial) for Applica - Agenda Item
PDF Document  AMP-01-2022 (Carey/Simmons Industrial) for Applica - AMP-01-2022 PC.pdf
PDF Document  AMP-01-2022 (Carey/Simmons Industrial) for Applica - AMP-01-2022 Attach.pdf
PDF Document  AMP-01-2022 (Carey/Simmons Industrial) for Applica - Continuance Letter Kaempfer Crowell AMP-01-2022 ZN-04-2022.pdf