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Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 2 with the City of Las Vegas and the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Funded by the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Which Extends the Contract Completion Date to December 31, 2027 for the Lake Mead Boulevard, Simmons Street to Losee Road Project, CIP Project No. 10413. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
PDF Document  Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 2 with the Ci - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 2 with the Ci - 2nd Sup 048L 10413 Lake MeadMulti J.CA.pdf
PDF Document  Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 2 with the Ci - 1st Sup 048L-FT12. Ex CNLV and RTC.pdf
PDF Document  Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 2 with the Ci - Multi J ILC Lake Mead 10413 CNLV, LV, RTC. FE.pdf