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Resolution No. 2697, A Resolution of the North Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency’s Sale of Approximately 1.02 Acres of Real Property Commonly Known as APN 139-23-201-021 and Generally Located North of the Intersection of Las Vegas Blvd. N. and N. Bruce St. in the Downtown Redevelopment Core Subdistrict to KL QOZB II, LLC for $490,000. (Ward 1-Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Pass and Adopt)
PDF Document  Resolution No. 2697, A Resolution of the North Las - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Resolution No. 2697, A Resolution of the North Las - CC Resolution Approving Sale of APN 139-23-201-021 (07.21.22).docx
PDF Document  Resolution No. 2697, A Resolution of the North Las - PSA KL QOZB II, LLC 07.19.22.pdf
PDF Document  Resolution No. 2697, A Resolution of the North Las - Agora Property Exhibit A- Site Map for PSA.pdf
PDF Document  Resolution No. 2697, A Resolution of the North Las - Publication Notice re City Council Resolution.docx