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Public Hearing Pursuant to NRS 268.059(1) to Accept Appraised Value of $490,000 as Detailed in Appraisal from Anderson Valuation Group, LLC Dated April 8, 2022 as the Fair Market Value of Approximately 1.02 Acres of Real Property Commonly Known as APN 139-23-201-021 and Generally Located North of the Intersection of Las Vegas Blvd. N. and N. Bruce St. in the Downtown Redevelopment Core Subdistrict. (Ward 1-Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Accept)
PDF Document  Public Hearing Pursuant to NRS 268.059(1) to Accep - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Public Hearing Pursuant to NRS 268.059(1) to Accep - Appraisal - New APN 1.02 acre_139-23-201-021_206-21A_Lot 2.pdf
PDF Document  Public Hearing Pursuant to NRS 268.059(1) to Accep - Agora Property Exhibit A- Site Map for PSA.pdf