July 6, 2022


4:00 p.m., Council Chambers, 2250 Las Vegas Boulevard North,

 North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030

Website -


The North Las Vegas City Council and Redevelopment Agency welcome each of you to their meetings.

The North Las Vegas City Council Chambers is accessible to all persons. If you need special assistance to attend and participate in the City Council or Redevelopment Agency meeting, please call Relay Nevada, a free service provider for deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or those having difficulty speaking on the phone, by dialing 7-1-1. Call at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in order to speak to City offices in order to submit your comments on agenda items.


Items on the agenda may be taken out of order. Two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration or items may be removed from the agenda or have the discussion delayed to another date. For general questions regarding this agenda or for supporting material, please contact Jackie Rodgers, City Clerk at (702) 633-1030. You may provide comments online or by email prior to the meeting. Information for submitting comments can be found on the City’s website.


If you attend the meeting and wish to speak on a particular item, please complete one of the blue cards located at either the table outside the main entrance to Council Chambers or at the podium rail inside Council Chambers and submit the card to the City Clerk. We request that you limit your comments to less than three minutes and that you avoid repetition. If you are attending the meeting in person, we also request that you remove your hat and/or sunglasses, as applicable, before speaking to the City Council.


North Las Vegas Municipal Code (NLVMC) 2.04.150(C) provides that any person making personal, impertinent, slanderous, or profane remarks or who willfully utters loud, threatening or abusive language, or engages in any disorderly conduct which would impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of the meeting shall be called to order by the presiding officer. If such disorderly conduct continues, the presiding officer at the meeting may bar the disruptive person from the remainder of the meeting. NLVMC 2.04.150(D) provides that people attending the meeting shall not engage in disorderly conduct such as hand clapping, stamping of feet, whistling, using profane language, yelling, and similar demonstration that disturbs the peace and good order of the meeting.


These proceedings can be viewed in person at Council Chambers or live online at the City’s website. Council meeting video is recorded for future viewings on KCLV, Cable Channel 2. The video of the meeting is rebroadcast on KCLV Channel 2 the Friday after the meeting at 4:00 P.M. and rebroadcast the next week on Tuesday at 12:00 P.M. and on Thursday at 6:00 A.M. The video of the meeting is published to the City’s Public Access Portal the day after the meeting.










Pastor Sharonda Manor-Foster

New Antioch Christian Fellowship at Aliante







Certificate of Recognition for the Business or Organization of the Month









This is the first of two portions of the Redevelopment Agency devoted to the Public. Public comment during this portion of the agenda must be limited to matters on the agenda for action. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Chair. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.





Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting Agenda of July 6, 2022. (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)





Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2022. (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)



Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2022. (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)


Participation Agreement Between the North Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency “Agency” and McDaniel LLC “Participant” for Property Located at 2280 Civic Center Drive, APN 139-23-602-001 “Site”, Amending and Replacing a January 1992 Owners Participation Agreement to Permit an Additional Use of the Site. (Ward 1-Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve and Amend)






This is the second portion of the Redevelopment Agency devoted to the Public to speak on any subject within the jurisdiction, control, or authority of the Redevelopment Agency. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Chair. No matter raised in Public Forum may be the subject of deliberation or action but may be referred to the City Administrative Officer for action at a later date. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.







This is the first of two portions of the meeting devoted to the Public. Public comment during this portion of the agenda must be limited to matters on the agenda for action. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Mayor. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.





City Council Regular Meeting Agenda of July 6, 2022. (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)





Matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. However, any Consent Item may be moved to the Business portion of the agenda for discussion at the request of any Council member.



City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2022. (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)



City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2022. (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)



City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2022. (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)


City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of May 18, 2022. (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)



Change of Ownership for a Beer-Wine-Spirit-Based Products Off-Sale Business License for Dhaliwal Enterprises 4, Inc. dba MLK ARCO AMPM, 1570 West Cheyenne Avenue, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89032. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)





Interlocal Agreement for Shared Funding of the Homeless Census and Evaluation with Clark County and the Cities of Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City in the Total Amount of $2,513.39 for FY2021-2022; and Authorize the City Manager or His Designee to Enter into Appropriate Agreements and/or Amendments for Approved Projects and Programs as Required. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve and Authorize)






Interlocal Agreement for Shared Funding for the Homeless Management Information System with Clark County and the Cities of Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City in the Amount of $24,194.36 for FY2021-2022; and Authorize the City Manager or His Designee to Enter into Appropriate Agreements and/or Amendments for Approved Projects and Programs as Required. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve and Authorize)






Interlocal Agreement for Shared Funding for Year-Round Emergency Shelter Operations with Clark County and the Cities of Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City in the Total Amount of $65,643.49 for FY2021-2022; and Authorize the City Manager or His Designee to Enter into Appropriate Agreements and/or Amendments for Approved Projects and Programs as Required. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve and Authorize)






Agreement to Use Local Government Contract for Naspo Valuepoint Computer Equipment Contract with Dell Marketing L.P.; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Various Purchase Orders in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,000,000 for Hardware, Software, Maintenance and Support for the Information Technology Department. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve and Authorize)






Bid Number 1630; Construction Contract with Las Vegas Paving Corporation, in the Amount of $49,249,925 from Clark County Regional Flood Control District and Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Funds for the Gowan Outfall Alexander Road Project, CIP No. 10497. (Ward 3-Black) (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Award and Approve)









Bid Number 1661; Construction Contract with Logistical Solutions, LLC, in the Amount of $211,921.20 for the Installation and Related Work of Precast Restrooms for the Cheyenne Sports Complex Restroom Facilities Located at 3500 E Cheyenne Avenue. CIP10475 (Ward 1 - Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation- Approve and Authorize)






Interlocal Contract with the Clark County Regional Flood Control District, in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,571,000 Funded by the Clark County Regional Flood Control District, for the Annual Maintenance Work Program which Provides Maintenance of Flood Control Improvements within the City. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)






Construction Change Order No. 1 with Aggregate Industries – SWR, Inc. to Increase the Construction Contract From $3,065,000 to $3,165,000, from Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Highway Improvement Acquisition Funds for the Camino Al Norte Rehabilitation Project, CIP No. 10436. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)






Final Acceptance and Notice of Completion for Maintenance of the Sewer Main Rehabilitation – Losee Road and Cheyenne Avenue Project, Bid No. 1599, CIP Project No. S0022-1 (Ward 1-Barron) (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve and Accept)





Final Acceptance of the Beltway Detention Basin and Channel Project, Bid No. 1577, CIP Project Number 10373, for Maintenance and Authorize Filing the Notice of Completion. (Ward 1-Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve and Accept)






Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 1 with the Clark County Regional Flood Control District to Increase Construction Funds from $33,988,550 to $45,288,550 for the Gowan Outfall, Alexander Road - Decatur Boulevard to Simmons Street and Simmons Street to Clayton Street Project, CIP No. 10497. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (Ward 3-Black) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)






Petition for Annexation No. 171 Submitted by Five Fortune, LLC, Pedro Lopez-Sandoval and Clarissa Lopez-Sandoval to Annex Approximately 7.41 Acres of Land, Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of North 5th Street and Stephen Avenue, Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 124-35-103-001, 124-35-103-002, and 124-35-104-001. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Accept)









Petition for Annexation No. 172 Submitted by M2W Capital Investments, LLC to Annex Approximately 2.02 Acres of Land, Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of Ann Road and Sloan Lane, Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number 123-34-101-001. (Ward 1-Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Accept)





Purchase Order for Emergency Services and Parts with TAB Contractors to Install Two 24-Inch Valves, a Line Stop, and a 24”x 24” Tee at the City’s Camino Al Norte Pump Station in the Amount of $72,992. CIP No. W0061 (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Ratify)








Matters listed under Public Hearing are those items that are required to have a public hearing according to Nevada Revised Statues and other applicable codes. Items under this heading may require a notice published in a newspaper of general circulation and/or may require mailed notices. In addition to Public Hearing items, associated Ordinances for Final Action may be included under this heading to facilitate action on items related to the same project.



AMP-01-2022 (Carey/Simmons Industrial) for Applicant: Columbia Industrial Acquisition Company, LLC to Request an Amendment to the Master Plan of Streets and Highways to Remove a Section of Cartier Avenue Beginning at Simmons Street and Extending East Approximately 795 Feet. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)





ZN-04-2022 (Carey/Simmons Industrial) Applicant: Columbia Industrial Acquisition Company, LLC.  Request: A Property Reclassification from R-1 (Single-Family Low Density District) to M-1 (Business Park Industrial District).  Location: Northeast Corner of Carey Avenue and Simmons Street. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)




ZN-15-2020 (Lone Mountain/Allen) Applicant: ACAK Irrevocable Trust.  Request: A Property Reclassification from R-E (Ranch Estates District) to a PUD (Planned Unit Development District), Consisting of 53 Single-Family Lots.  Location: Generally north of Lone Mountain Road between Willis Street and Kenny Way. APNs 124-31-802-008 through 124-31-802-011, 124-32-401-005 and 124-32-401-006. (Ward 3-Black) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)



VAC-10-2022 (The Villages at Tule Springs) Applicant: DR Horton to Vacate Six Public Utility Easements and Two Underground Drainage Easements (124-16-111-004, 124-16-211-003, 124-16-211-004, 124-16-312-001, & 124-16-311-002) Generally Located Along Tule Springs Parkway. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)







Lease Agreement with Leadership Institute of Nevada Pursuant to NRS 268.064 For Two Thousand, Six Hundred Forty-Five (2,645) Square Feet of Office Space on the Sixth Floor of City Hall According to the Terms and Conditions in the Agreement.  (Ward 1-Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Approve)






Memorandum of Understanding with The North Las Vegas Police Officers Association Amending Collective Bargaining Agreement: 2021-2024 Corrections Non-Supervisor Agreement Between The City of North Las Vegas and North Las Vegas Police Officers Association, and Recognizing Juneteenth as a Holiday Observed on the Third Monday in June. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)






Memorandum of Understanding with North Las Vegas Police Supervisors Association Amending Collective Bargaining Agreement: Corrections Supervisor Agreement 2021-2024 Between City of North Las Vegas, Nevada and the North Las Vegas Police Supervisors Association, and Recognizing Juneteenth as a Holiday Observed on the Third Monday in June. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)





Memorandum of Understanding with The International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1607 Amending Collective Bargaining Agreement: Non-Supervisor Agreement Between City of North Las Vegas and The International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1607, July 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2024, and Recognizing Juneteenth as a Holiday Observed on the Third Monday in June. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)






Memorandum of Understanding with The International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1607 Amending Collective Bargaining Agreement: Supervisor Agreement Between the City of North Las Vegas and The International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1607, July 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2024, and Recognizing Juneteenth as a Holiday Observed on the Third Monday in June. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)





Memorandum of Understanding with The North Las Vegas Police Officers Association Amending Collective Bargaining Agreement: 2021-2024 Agreement Between The City of North Las Vegas and The North Las Vegas Police Officers Association, and Recognizing Juneteenth as a Holiday Observed on the Third Monday in June. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)






Memorandum of Understanding with The North Las Vegas Police Supervisors Association Amending Collective Bargaining Agreement: Supervisor Agreement 2021-2024 Between the City of North Las Vegas and The North Las Vegas Police Supervisors Association, and Recognizing Juneteenth as a Holiday Observed on the Third Monday in June. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)





Financial Impact of Proposed Neighborhood Stability Ordinance. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Accept)






Financial Impact of Change to Zoning for Transitional Housing. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation- Accept)










Matters listed under Set Future Public Hearing Dates will not be heard by the City Council at this meeting. If you wish to speak on these items, attend the meeting where the Public Hearing will be heard and submit a blue card to the Clerk.



·         Set Date on Any Appeals Filed or Required Public Hearings.


AMP-04-2022 (Orchard Canyon II)

Set Public Hearing for July 20, 2022


VAC-06-2022 (VTS Village 1, Phase 3)

VAC-11-2022 (VTS Village)                                     

Set Public Hearing for July 20, 2022

Set Public Hearing for July 20, 2022


ZN-08-2022 (Orchard Canyon II)

Set Public Hearing for July 20, 2022


ZN-09-2022 (Elysian)

Set Public Hearing for July 20, 2022


ZOA-03-2022 (City of North Las Vegas)

Set Public Hearing for July 20, 2022






Ordinances listed under Final Action were introduced at a previous Council meeting for action at this meeting.



Ordinance No. 3116; An Ordinance Related to Zoning; Reclassifying Approximately 86.18 ± Acres from R-1, Single-Family Low Density District to M-1, Business Park Industrial District, (ZN-04-2022, Carey/Simmons Industrial) for Property Located at the Northeast Corner of Carey Avenue and Simmons Street and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Pass and Adopt)






Ordinance No. 3129; An Ordinance Related to Zoning; Reclassifying Approximately 16.6 ±  Acres from an R-E, Ranch Estates District to a PUD, Planned Unit Development District, (ZN-15-2020, Lone Mountain / Allen) to Allow a 38-Lot, Single-Family Development for Property Located Generally North of Lone Mountain Road between Willis Street and Kenny Way and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 3-Black) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Pass and Adopt)






There is no public comment for these items and no action will be taken by the Council at this meeting. If you wish to speak on any of these items, please attend the meeting where the Final Action will be determined and submit a blue card to the Clerk.



Ordinance No. 3120; An Ordinance Extending the Corporate Limits of the City of North Las Vegas by Annexing a Parcel of Land Located at the Southeast Corner of Ann Road and Sloan Lane; and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 1-Barron) (Recommendation - Set Final Action for July 20, 2022)






Ordinance No. 3122; An Ordinance Extending the Corporate Limits of the City of North Las Vegas by Annexing Three Parcels of Land, Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of North 5th Street and Stephen Avenue; and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (Ward 4-Cherchio) (Recommendation -Set Final Action for July 20, 2022)





Ordinance No. 3130; An Ordinance Related to Zoning; Reclassifying Approximately 8.42 ± Acres from a C-2, General Commercial District to a PUD, Planned Unit Development District, (ZN-09-2022, Elysian), consisting of a 222-Unit Multi-Family Development, for Property Located East of Clayton Street and Approximately 292 Feet North of Craig Road, and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 4 - Cherchio) (Recommendation - Set Final Action for July 20, 2022)






Ordinance No. 3131; An Ordinance Amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of North Las Vegas, Relating to Zoning (ZOA-03-2022) By Amending Provisions Related to Parking of Recreational Vehicles in Residential Setbacks, Amending Other Provisions to Update Language in Title 17, and Providing for Other Matters Properly Related Thereto. (Citywide) (Recommendation - Set Final Action for July 20, 2022)






Ordinance No. 3132; An Ordinance Related to Zoning; Reclassifying Approximately 10.39 ± Acres from a C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District to an R-CL, Single-Family Compact Lot Residential District, (ZN-08-2022, Orchard Canyon II), for Property Located at the Southwest Corner of Lamb Boulevard and Tropical Parkway, and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 1-Barron) (Recommendation - Set Final Action for July 20, 2022)





Ordinance No. 3137; An Ordinance Amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of North Las Vegas, Relating to Zoning (ZOA-03-2022) By Amending Provisions Related to Permitted Uses in Redevelopment and Business Districts, By Amending Licensing Requirements in Redevelopment Districts, and Providing for Other Matters Properly Related Thereto. (Citywide) (Recommendation - Set Final Action for July 20, 2022)









Appointment of a City Council Member to the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance Executive Committee for a One-Year Term ending June 30, 2023. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Appoint)









This is the portion of the meeting devoted to the Public to speak on any subject within the jurisdiction, control, or authority of the City Council. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Mayor. No matter raised in Public Forum may be the subject of deliberation or action but may be referred to the City Manager for action at a later date. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.







The City Clerk keeps the official record of all proceedings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency. In order to maintain a complete and accurate record of all proceedings, any photograph, map, chart, or other document used in any presentation to the Council or Redevelopment Agency should be submitted to the City Clerk. If materials are to be distributed to members of the City Council or Redevelopment Agency, please provide thirteen copies for distribution to the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and Staff.