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ZN-17-2022 PUD FOR GHOST KITCHEN WITHIN EXISTING DAYCARE (Public Hearing). Applicant: Alisa Park. Request: A Property Reclassification From a PUD (Planned Unit Development District) to a PUD (Planned Unit Development District) to Allow a Ghost Kitchen Within an Existing Daycare Facility. Location: 4095 West Craig Road. (APNs 139-06-701-004 and 139-06-701-005) Ward 3 (For Possible Action)
PDF Document  ZN-17-2022 PUD FOR GHOST KITCHEN WITHIN EXISTING D - ZN-17-2022.091422.doc
PDF Document  ZN-17-2022 PUD FOR GHOST KITCHEN WITHIN EXISTING D - ZN-17-2022 Attachments.pdf