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Supporting Materials
Ordinance No. 3120; An Ordinance Extending the Corporate Limits of the City of North Las Vegas by Annexing a Parcel of Land Located at the Southeast Corner of Ann Road and Sloan Lane; and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 1-Barron) (Recommendation - Set Final Action for July 20, 2022)
PDF Document  Ordinance No. 3120; An Ordinance Extending the Cor - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Ordinance No. 3120; An Ordinance Extending the Cor - Ordinance No. 3120 with Exhibits A and B
PDF Document  Ordinance No. 3120; An Ordinance Extending the Cor - Ordinance No. 3120 LC rev 06-13-22 FINAL.doc
PDF Document  Ordinance No. 3120; An Ordinance Extending the Cor - Agenda Exhibit Annexation 172 LC rev 06-13-22 1.pdf