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Bid Number 1661; Construction Contract with Logistical Solutions, LLC, in the Amount of $211,921.20 for the Installation and Related Work of Precast Restrooms for the Cheyenne Sports Complex Restroom Facilities Located at 3500 E Cheyenne Avenue. CIP10475 (Ward 1 - Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation- Approve and Authorize)
PDF Document  Bid Number 1661; Construction Contract with Logist - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Bid Number 1661; Construction Contract with Logist - Service Provider Agreement 100-250k Logistical Solutions Cheyenne Sports Complex Precast Restrooms Final.pdf
PDF Document  Bid Number 1661; Construction Contract with Logist - Logistical Solutions Agenda Item Cheyenne Sports Complex Restrooms-Final rjd.doc