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T-MAP-05-2022 ORCHARD CANYON II. Applicant: Richmond American Homes. Request: A Tentative Map in a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial District), Proposed property reclassification to R-CL (Single-Family Compact Lot Residential District), to allow a 53-Lot, Single-Family Subdivision. Location: Southwest Corner of Lamb Boulevard and Tropical Parkway. (APN 123-30-701-001) Ward 1 (For Possible Action)
PDF Document  T-MAP-05-2022 ORCHARD CANYON II. Applicant: Richm - T-MAP-05-2022 Staff Report.doc
PDF Document  T-MAP-05-2022 ORCHARD CANYON II. Applicant: Richm - T-MAP-05-2022 Attachments.pdf