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T-MAP-03-2022 CAREY / SIMMONS INDUSTRIAL. Applicant: Columbia Industrial Acquisition Company, LLC. Request: A Tentative Map in an R-1 (Single-Family Low Density District), to Allow a One-Lot Commercial Subdivision and for a Future Industrial Project. Location: Northeast Corner of Carey Avenue and Simmons Street. (APNs 139-17-701-001 and 139-17-801-004). Ward 2. (For Possible Action)
PDF Document  T-MAP-03-2022 CAREY / SIMMONS INDUSTRIAL. Applica - Late Material Posting.doc
PDF Document  T-MAP-03-2022 CAREY / SIMMONS INDUSTRIAL. Applica -
PDF Document  T-MAP-03-2022 CAREY / SIMMONS INDUSTRIAL. Applica -