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Pass and Adopt Resolution No. 2672, Expressing Its Intent to Sell Approximately 135.36 Net Acres, More or Less, of Real Property Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of CC-215 Beltway and Pecos Road in North Las Vegas, Nevada, Identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 124-24-601-001, 124-24-701-005, and 124-24-701-006 Through a Competitive Sale for a Minimum Price of $36,850,000 Pursuant to NRS 268.063 and 268.062. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action)
PDF Document  Pass and Adopt Resolution No. 2672, Expressing Its - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Pass and Adopt Resolution No. 2672, Expressing Its - Resolution No. 2672 Rev 10-06-21_DSI Rev. 9-21-21.pdf
PDF Document  Pass and Adopt Resolution No. 2672, Expressing Its - Agenda Exhibit - JCZ South 135.36 net acres.pdf