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Pass and Adopt Ordinance No. 3089, Amending Title 15 of the Municipal Code by Repealing Existing Chapter 15.04 of the Municipal Code by Repealing Ordinance No. 3004 and by Adopting the International Building Code, 2018 Edition, and Adopting a Revised Version of the Southern Nevada Amendments to the 2018 International Building Code as Amended by North Las Vegas to Include Requirements Regarding Single-Stall Restrooms and Providing for Other Matters Properly Related Thereto. (Citywide) (For Possible Action)
PDF Document  Pass and Adopt Ordinance No. 3089, Amending Title - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Pass and Adopt Ordinance No. 3089, Amending Title - Ord No 3089.doc
PDF Document  Pass and Adopt Ordinance No. 3089, Amending Title - IBC_Amendments to Ord3089 090221.docx