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Approve Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 1 with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Which Increases the Contract from $225,000 to $885,000 Funded by the Highway Improvements Acquisitions Fund for the Civic Center Drive, Carey Avenue to Cheyenne Avenue Project, CIP Project No. 10554. (Ward 1-Barron, Ward 2-Goynes-Brown) (For Possible Action)
PDF Document  Approve Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 1 wit - Agenda Item
PDF Document  Approve Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 1 wit - 1st Sup ILC Civic Center 10554 - CA sign.pdf
PDF Document  Approve Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 1 wit - Civic Ctr, Carey to Chey. ILC 10554.FE.pdf
PDF Document  Approve Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 1 wit - 10554-VM.pdf